There is a strange rule I seem to follow quite subconsciously: I almost always prefer winter fashion shows to those presented in the Spring/Summer season. Currently, I'm delighted with new Dolce & Gabbana projects for Fall/Winter 2013/2014 (see here). This collection is simply a paean to the history of art, which I have a pleasure to study! :) It reminds me of an early Byzantine culture. It was quite a surprise that the clothes were decorated with the acctual mosaics, copied from the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nuova in Monreale in Sicily. Images of saints were transferred to fabric using embroidery and the very popular lately technique of all-over printing.
Uważam tego typu printy za wspaniały wynalazek i podniecam się myślą o noszeniu bluzy z ulubionym obrazem :) Coraz więcej podobnych ubrań można znaleźć w sieci, a ostatnio odkryłam nawet stronę oferującą jaki tylko chcemy nadruk na zamówienie (
I think that this type of prints are a great invention and I'm very excited by the idea of wearing shirts with my favorite piece of art :) More and more clothing decorated in such a way can be found online. Recently I have discovered a site that offers printing on demand (!
bluzka Pocałunek / the Kiss blouse [G. Klimt] – Mr. Gugu & Miss Go
bluza Narodziny Wenus / Birth of Venus sweater [W. Bouguereau] – Sugarpills
koszulka z wizerunkiem Matki Boskiej / T-shirt with the Blessed Virgin –
legginsy Narodziny Wenus / Birth of Venus leggins [S. Botticelli] – Aloha From Deer
spódnica z amorkami / skirt with cupids –
sukienka Huśtawka / The Seesaw dress [J. H. Fragonard] – Mr. Gugu & Miss Go